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diago1337 ... Ban for unwanted language

diago1337 ... Ban for unwanted language

Postby diago1337 » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 5:38 pm

Hello, I was banned on server for saying "allah akbar".

First I'd want to say sorry for saying that and causing any troubles to players or admins. I never said it to cause problems or to insult players, religion or any culture. Allah Akbar meanining is same as pharse "Oh God" and i didn't think it could be forbidden. I underestand though, You got some rules here and I should follow them - that's why im here to say sorry and ask for unban.

Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby EBassie » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 6:33 pm

If it wasn't for this...

2016-02-16 21:46:32 diago1337 Squad fuckin jew

... I might have given you a second chance.
Now.... not so much. It's shows who you are. You disrespect people with other faith.

Let me also explain why we punish (kill -> kick -> ban) players when they say that sentence.

It's really simple actually.
This is a western European server where we have freedom of speech, but players do get offended by other players for saying those words. This usually results in heated discussions that do NOT belong on a gameserver like ours.

There is NO reason whatsoever to use those words either, other than to provoke.

We don't care if you are Christian, Jewish, Muslin, Hindu or whatever: everybody is welcome on our servers.
But you play with respect towards other players. You failed to do that.

Ban appeal denied.
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Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby diago1337 » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 6:38 pm

I said it to my friend with whom I was playing all time on your server. He is half jew and muslim. His nickname maxy310 - you can check in logs i was playing with him and in that sentence i told him to join my squad. I also can bring him here if You want. He is living in Saudi Arabia you can check that by ip too.

Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby diago1337 » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 6:57 pm

Im sorry for post after post, but i cannot edit as im not registered.

If you don't care if someone is muslim or no - why ban "allah akbar" pharse? It's part of their langauge, arabic. But I don't want you to change your rules - thats your server after all, Im just trying explain what lead me to that mistake. I won't say it again though.

But again I wouldnt say something like to person who i don't know or who would get offended. I played with my friend who is living in muslim country( you can check that ) and he was okay with it. We just talk to eachothers like old friends in our own way.

Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby Maxy310 » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 8:03 pm

he answered both your question reasonably and if we talking about freedom of speech baning allahu akbar word in first place breaks it,
but you have only English in global rule i guess this what we dealing with here is it perma ban without warning for that?

Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby Loki » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 8:24 pm

Hmmm ... in my eyes your definition of "old friends" is a bit weird! For me it's not important who calls me a "fucking whatever", for me this is an insult! But OK, to each his own ... but NOT on our servers please!

About the phrase "Allahu Akbar":

Correct me if I'm wrong but "Allahu Akbar" means "God is the greatest", the phrase "Oh God" or "Oh my God" I would translate with "Ya Allah" ... right?

But no matter, that's not important. You said it by yourself:
diago1337 wrote:If you don't care if someone is muslim or no .......

We want not have trouble on our servers, so we forbid religious phrases on it.
OUR servers, OUR rules!

- We don't ban you directly for a phrase ... we kill you first with the corresponding message.
- If you don't understand that ... we kick you with the corresponding message.
- And then, if you are not able to understand that now, well ... bye bye and feel free to search for another server with rules that fits better to you!

Again ... OUR servers, OUR rules!
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Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby EBassie » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 8:27 pm

Maxy310 wrote:he answered both your question reasonably and if we talking about freedom of speech baning allahu akbar word in first place breaks it,
but you have only English in global rule i guess this what we dealing with here is it perma ban without warning for that?

Stay out of ban appeals from other players. You have your own topic.

I already explained in my first post why we punish for the phrase used. You might want to read it
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Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby Maxy310 » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 8:48 pm

EBassie wrote:
Maxy310 wrote:he answered both your question reasonably and if we talking about freedom of speech baning allahu akbar word in first place breaks it,
but you have only English in global rule i guess this what we dealing with here is it perma ban without warning for that?

Stay out of ban appeals from other players. You have your own topic.

I already explained in my first post why we punish for the phrase used. You might want to read it

so im understanding its about OFFENDING someone is there anyone offended here? so if someone mintioned hitler in history class you expect Germans to protest against it? i dont understand what sort of logic you have here?

Re: Ban for unwanted language - diago1337

Postby EBassie » Sat 20 Feb, 2016 8:49 pm

Maxy310 wrote:
EBassie wrote:
Maxy310 wrote:he answered both your question reasonably and if we talking about freedom of speech baning allahu akbar word in first place breaks it,
but you have only English in global rule i guess this what we dealing with here is it perma ban without warning for that?

Stay out of ban appeals from other players. You have your own topic.

I already explained in my first post why we punish for the phrase used. You might want to read it

so im understanding its about OFFENDING someone is there anyone offended here? so if someone mintioned hitler in history class you expect Germans to protest against it? i dont understand what sort of logic you have here?

Again... you are not reading my posts. Wrong ban appeal!
Since this appeal is deranging...

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