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Bilbo-T-Baggings about the punkbuster screenshots

PostPosted: Tue 10 Dec, 2013 11:32 pm
by Bilbo-T-Baggings
So I got banned somehow for the screenshot thing. Auto Admin banned me because screenshots were not send or something. I dont know what this even mean though =) So where is the problem. I saw a post about this but it was locked.

Re: Bilbo-T-Baggings about the punkbuster screenshots

PostPosted: Sun 15 Dec, 2013 9:22 pm
by EBassie
That means that our auto admin requested 4 screenshots from you and did not get a single one and for that, you are banned by the auto admin.

The problem is that many cheats are using a screenshot blocker and our script checks if you are returning screenshots.
As said: you did not produce a single screenshot, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and removed your ban.

With Regards,


Re: Bilbo-T-Baggings about the punkbuster screenshots

PostPosted: Wed 18 Dec, 2013 5:18 pm
by Bilbo-T-Baggings
Thanks for the ban removal. Do you have any idea what could cause this? This is the first time that punkbuster is acting up on me. Are there any solutions that in the future the screenshots are sent when PB is asking?